Dec 27
Leith and Restalrig Church – a new beginning

Welcome to the new website for Leith and Restalrig Church (LARCH).
From 1st January, the congregations of Leith St Andrew’s, Pilrig St Paul’s and St Margaret’s Restalrig will come together to form a new united charge with Rob Mackenzie as our minister. In the new year, we will begin the vacancy process to recruit our second minister and part-time MDS worker.
Sunday services will take place in the current St Margaret’s building in Restalrig Road South at 11am with the first service on Sunday 5th January. This building will be known as LARCH Restalrig.
From February 5th our short reflective prayer service, Oasis of Peace, will take place in the Open Doorway in the current Pilrig St Paul’s building at 10.15am each Wednesday. The Open Door Café will be open on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 10.30-12noon. This building will be known as LARCH Leith Walk.
All groups currently meeting in the three buildings will continue as normal.