Pastoral Care Team
We are looking for members to form a new Pastoral Care Team. Team members themselves will not be expected to undertake all pastoral care but rather to coordinate the pastoral care needs of the congregation. Their remit includes:
- Hospital Visits
- Care Home Visits
- Home Communion
- Prayer requests
- Flower deliveries
- Christmas Gifts – currently Shortbread and Calendars
- Cards on special birthdays and anniversaries
- Open Door Days – at LARCH Leith Walk (formerly Pilrig St Paul’s)
- Care Van – run in conjunction with Bethany Trust which provides support to homeless people
Training will be given as required (such as Bereavement training) and members will be well-supported.
Members of the congregation requiring a pastoral care visit for themselves, or for other members, can contact the Team. Of course, many of you already visit members and we would actively encourage you to continue doing so, even if you do not want to be a formal member of the Team.
Pastoral Care is a vital part of any congregation and so I would invite you to give serious consideration to joining this Team. Meanwhile, as this will take a wee while to set up, please could you contact one of the following people if you want to know more about what is involved, if you want to volunteer or if you are aware of anyone requiring pastoral care over the next few weeks: Catriona Blackwood, Val McIntosh, Joan Scott, Shona Skakle, Rob Mackenzie or Stuart Lithgow.