Pastoral Care Team
In its simplest terms, pastoral care is caring for people in the congregation.
If you visit someone at home or in hospital, or phone them from time to time, that’s pastoral care.
If you deliver flowers, magazines or Christmas gifts, that’s pastoral care.
If you volunteer at the Open Doorway in LARCH Leith Walk, with the Care Van or at Meet, Eat and Play at Craigentinny Primary, that’s pastoral care.
If you are already doing any of these things, or would like to get involved in any way, please let the team know.
This is a great way of becoming more actively involved in spreading God’s love within our community. You can do as little or as much as you like – any help would be greatly appreciated.
We are also looking for volunteers to help with the following teams:
Worship Team
This team helps support the Minister with worship activities – this might include providing cover during absence, taking part in sketches, helping organise additional worship such as Oasis of Peace at LARCH Leith Walk, Christmas, Holy Week and bereavement services. It may also include:
- Working with the Cubs and Scouts, involving them in the Remembrance Day Service
- Taking part in choir / musical items
- Helping with Sunday School/Creche
- Supporting the minister with Bible Studies
This is by no means an exhaustive list – there are lots more ideas out there! It’s just to give you a good idea of the different ways you can help.
Communications Team
This team is responsible for communication, both within the congregation itself, and to the wider community. Its remit includes:
- Keeping the website and Facebook pages up-to-date
- Gathering articles for the Church Magazine and ensuring its distribution
- Producing and distributing posters as and when required
- Overseeing the email and digital storage systems
- Helping with the audio-visual provision in church (PowerPoints, sound, streaming)
Fellowship Team
This team is responsible for coordinating shared activities within the congregation to help us get to know one another better and to have a good time. This might include:
- Helping with tea and coffee after services
- Helping at the Christmas Fair
- Helping at other social events
Volunteering vs Coordinating?
As well as volunteering to help with the work of these teams, we are looking for people who are keen to help coordinate and organise the work of these teams. Please also let us know if you would be interested in doing this.
Just to be clear, we are looking for people to do either (or both). For example, you may be happy to volunteer to do a reading at a Sunday service, but don’t want to be involved in coordinating the work of the team, such as drawing up rotas. That’s absolutely fine. When you sign up, please let us know exactly what you would like to do.
Of course, you may already be involved in one or more of these teams. We do not wish to make any assumptions about you wishing to continue, so it would be really useful if you could also sign-up to show that you wish to continue being involved.
In the near future, we will also be looking for people to get involved in the following teams:
So, if you’re keen to get involved in any of those teams, please be ready to sign up later.